A motion to adopt form based codes in Cincinnati, sponsored by Councilmembers Qualls and Cole, will be presented in a joint hearing of the Economic Development and Vibrant Neighborhoods Committees on Tuesday, December 16 at 11 a.m. in Council Chambers, Room 300 City Hall, 801 Plum Street. The hearing will include a presentation by City Planning Director Charles Graves. This hearing is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
CincyPAC Issue: Environmental Sustainability
Our Stance: Cincinnati is and should be even more aggressively pursuing a position as a leader in the area of environmental sustainability. We need to be serious about ensuring that our gateways and major roads should be bordered by beautiful, clean, green. As population gets more dense, the importance of well manicured, inviting parks and greenspace increases.
Soapbox Media article on Form Based Codes from September 9, 2008:
CincyPAC Links
Monday, December 8, 2008
Issue Education - Presentation to Council - Form Based Code
Posted by
Candace Klein
12:43 PM
Issue Education - City Council Budget Proposals - Streetcar Funding
CincyPAC members and supporters,
As we gear up for 2009 and prepare to educate ourselves and our council members on the issues and initiatives most related to attracting and retaining young talent in Cincinnati, it is important that we stay tied into the issues we said were important in 2007 and 2008. As you come across articles of importance to this goal, please forward them to csk@gdm.com or add them to this blog. The more educated we are, the better we can serve our community.
CincyPAC Issue: The Streetcar
Our Stance: Adequate Public Transportation: Cincinnati needs a street car and it should connect downtown and uptown in the first phase. We also need to revamp Metro Bus routes, clearly label routes and schedules at major stops, and ensure that SORTA and TANK work together seamlessly.
Today's Business Courier posted the following article related to the Streetcar:
Cincinnati council submits budget proposals
Business Courier of Cincinnati - by Dan Monk Senior Staff Reporter
Cincinnati’s streetcar initiative could get a haircut under new budget proposals submitted by two members of City Council.
Finance Committee Chairman John Cranley proposed eliminating $60 million in streetcar funding so the money can be “reprogrammed for other purposes,” including $25 million for the Central Riverfront Park that’s being built in conjunction with the Banks project and $25 million for repaving of city streets. Councilman Chris Monzel proposed eliminating $11 million in funding for streetcars in 2009. He offered no alternate plans for the money.
The proposals come as council works to pass a two-year budget for 2009 and 2010. Both Monzel and Cranley previously voted in favor of a streetcar system, authorizing the city manager to begin raising money for the project in April. They were the only members of council to identify streetcar cuts in budget proposals submitted late last week.
The Finance Committee is slated to debate various budget proposals Monday afternoon, with the goal of finalizing a budget in the next week or two. A hiring freeze and the delay of police and fire recruit classes are among the operating cuts proposed in recent weeks. The streetcar cuts were among several changes in capital spending outlined by various members of council in advance of the finance hearing.
In other budget proposals:
• Councilwoman Roxanne Qualls wants to eliminate $850,000 in planned spending for the Kennedy Connector, a road project that was aimed at stimulating new development in Oakley. Instead, she would spend $750,000 over two years on the Clifton Cultural Arts Center and commit $350,000 to “eco improvements” at Pleasant Ridge Park.
• Vice Mayor David Crowley proposed shifting $350,000 from the Kennedy Connector to the Clifton center.
• Councilman Cecil Thomas proposed a $3.6 million commitment to the Glencoe hotel and condominiums project in Mount Auburn, shifting funds from city capital accounts earmarked for housing initiatives.
• Thomas and Cranley proposed a $392,000 commitment to the $2.9 million renovation of the Cincinnati Business Incubator facility. “The building, which has historic designation, is crumbling,” said Thomas’ motion.
• Cranley proposed spending $2 million on a streetscape project in Mount Lookout and $500,000 on a “senior housing development” planned by the neighborhood group Price Hill Will.
The city’s operating budget was also targeted for adjustments as three members of council – Cranley, Monzel and Laketa Cole – proposed reductions in car allowances for city employees and excised Mayor Mark Mallory’s request to expand his staff. The mayor proposed adding a sixth full-time equivalent employee, at a two-year cost of $100,000. Cole, Cranley and Qualls all proposed increasing fines for parking violators, with proposals they estimate would raise an extra $269,000.
The city manager’s budget proposals involving garbage collection remain under attack. City Manager Milton Dohoney wanted to impose a fee for residential trash service, but that idea was rejected by Mallory.
Now, some members of council are opposing Dohoney’s efforts to modernize the city’s curbside collection program by studying the use of automatic lifts on garbage trucks. Councilmembers Cole and Monzel proposed eliminating Dohoney’s request for a $300,000 solid waste study to explore the idea.
Posted by
Candace Klein
8:15 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
First Organizational Meeting Minutes are Posted
Organizational Planning Meeting
1. In Attendance (based on sign-in sheet): Candace Klein, Clara Rice, Tom Hodges, Joe Levi, Chris Seelbach, Shawn Baker, Darren Tolliver, Andy Holzhauser, Amy Goodwin, Aryl Hait-Todd, Jacquelyn Sommer, Kris Sommer, Tammy Riddle, Jessica Baron, Clifford Charles, Laurence Jones, Mose Cartier, Fleumingue Jean-Mary
2. Mission: Candace first explained that the mission of CincyPAC for 2009 is to provide a voice for those Greater Cincinnati residents who want to attract new talent and keep young talent in the City of Cincinnati. She explained that CincyPAC will not only make endorsements of candidates this year, as we have done in the past, but we will also plan to endorse issues and advocate those issues actively with all candidates elected to city council in 2009. At this point, she reviewed what CincyPAC accomplished in 2007 (attachment), and highlighted that all CincyPAC members were polled, and that those results were used to form the CincyPAC agenda in 2007 (survey attached).
3. Goals for 2009: Candace, along with the Executive Team (consisting of Darren Tolliver and Elizabeth Edwards), then outlined the goals of CincyPAC for the 2009 year. These goals will likely form the basis for committees that board members will lead in the coming year: 1) Marketing/Online Presence (survey, social networks); 2) Issue Advocacy; 3) Events; 4) Membership/Fundraising; 5) Endorsements; 6) Campaigns; 7)Voter Registration. This list is not exhaustive, and Candace has asked each board member to help in forming what committees should be formed to meet these goals.
4. Our Legacy: The Executive Team has been putting together a set of draft Bylaws, in an effort to provide the CincyPAC organization with structure for sustainability. Incoming board members will be provided with a copy of these bylaws for approval/amendment at the December organizational meeting. In addition to structure, effective outreach will be critical to the ongoing success of CincyPAC and our agenda. Anyone interested in a board position should address how they are able to reach diverse segments of the Greater Cincinnati market for effective outreach purposes.
5. Footprint: Many members have asked what the footprint of CincyPAC will be in 2009. In terms of geography, CincyPAC will only make endorsements on City of Cincinnati specific races and issues, but will use issue forums to educate members on state and federal issues where appropriate. Marketing efforts, however, will focus on the Greater Cincinnati region, in hopes that other communities at some point will also form similar organizations for their young citizens. Who are members? While our target issues will focus on attracting young professionals, we have no particular age cut-off, and welcome any forward thinking citizen who is also interested in retaining and attracting young talent.
6. Technology: Andy Holzhauser explained that CincyPAC is undergoing a change to our website in order to become more user friendly and technologically sound. The updated website should be available for review at the December organizational meeting. In addition, we currently use Constant Contact as our email list-serve, and will assess its effectiveness in December. We have surveyed our members in the past, and will do so again this year to help determine our agenda, and we will add action alerts to inform our members of when important issues are being discussed in council, in order to increase participation in the advocacy of our issues. Finally, CincyPAC is considering putting together a report card to balance candidate promises against actual votes, and will discuss this further at the December meeting.
7. Finances: Darren Tolliver reported that we will continue to use Pledge Connect when fundraising, and offered http://www.cincypac.com/ for any members who would like to set up automatic withdrawal from paychecks. He did state that all board members will be asked to contribute whatever amount is feasible to CincyPAC, in order to set the standard for all other existing and incoming members. He also reported that CincyPAC is pursuing tax-exempt status, and will update the board at the December organizational meeting.
8. 2009 Timeline: Candace reported that CincyPAC will likely host a number (not less than four) of events focused on candidates and issues this year, and also stated that the Board will meet monthly, in addition to monthly committee meetings. She asked each person in attendance to consider whether they are willing to commit this time to CincyPAC in 2009 and to take this into consideration when communicating interest in a leadership role.
9. 2009 Board of Directors: Finally, the Executive Team reported that the incoming Board of Directors will be limited to eight (8) members, and asked attendees to express whether they are interested in being considered for a board position. Please see the accompanying email from Candace if you are interested and would like more information.
10. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:04 pm.
Posted by
Candace Klein
8:16 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Organizational Meeting November 19th
This week has certainly been eventful in the political arena, as our state and federal policy makers have undergone significant change. Now that these elections have passed, it is more important than ever for CincyPAC members to get up to speed on local issues so that we can prepare ourselves and our community for the local policies that are sure to follow any change in an administration. We also have 2009 to look forward to, and want to hit the ground running!
Please join us for our first organizational meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 6:00 pm at the Greenebaum Doll & McDonald offices, 255 E. 5th Street, 29th floor, if you have any interest in taking a leadership role by taking a seat on the Steering Committee for the 2009 calendar year. Please let me know if you are planning to attend by sending me an email at csk@gdm.com.
We are looking forward to an opportunity for significant policy creation and changes in Cincinnati in 2009, and hope you will join us in making our voices heard!
Posted by
Candace Klein
12:19 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
New Year for CincyPAC
So much has happened in one year. CincyPAC was created by forward thinking urban focused Cincinnatians, a new city council was elected in Cincinnati, and important issues have arisen in our region, including the streetcar, the Banks, a census challenge, and more. You have made your voices heard by contributing to the campaigns of our local elected officials, and we have created a voice together to support the interests of young professionals and progressive thinkers.
As we look to the upcoming year, CincyPAC will remain true to our mission and values, but will undergo some exciting changes, including the following:
-We will now begin to seek accountability from the officials who have received endorsements from us in the past year and
-We now have new leadership within the organization.
Candace Klein has recently taken over as President of CincyPAC, Darren Tolliver has now become Vice President, and Kreg Allison has joined the Executive Team. We now seek your involvement, participation and leadership. If you have interest in joining the Steering Committee for CincyPAC for the 2008/2009 year, please contact Candace (csk@gdm.com) and let her know.
The first Steering Committee meeting of the year has been scheduled for Thursday, September 11th at 6:00 pm (location TBD). We want to continue to offer a voice for you and your peers, and need your help in doing so.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as the leader of a group of proven leaders last year. We are proud of what we've created and look forward to our untapped potential. Thanks to contributors and participants like yourselves, Cincinnati will become a city unmatched in political participation and strong policy.
Candace Klein
Incoming President
Sean Parker
Former President
Posted by
Candace Klein
12:18 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
District 1 Boundaries
In addition to the much of the city of Cincinnati, First District neighborhoods include all or part of:
Addyston, Amberley Village, Arlington Heights, Bridgetown, Cheviot, Cleves, Colerain Township, College Hill, Covedale, Crosby Township, Delhi Township, Dent, Elmwood Place, Evendale, Finneytown, Forest Park, Glendale, Golf Manor, Greenhills, Green Township, Groesbeck, Hanover Township, Harrison, Harrison Township, Lincoln Heights, Lockland, Mack, Miami Township, Monfort Heights, Morgan Township, Mount Healthy, Mount Healthy Heights, North Bend, North College Hill, Northbrook, Northgate, Norwood, Pleasant Run, Pleasant Run Farm, Reading, Reily Township, Ross Township, Springdale, Springfield Township, St. Bernard, White Oak, Whitewater Township, Woodlawn, and Wyoming.
Posted by
Sean Parker
6:44 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Come Meet Your Congressional Candidates
Mark your calendars, CincyPAC will be having its rescheduled Congressional Candidate event on May 1, 2008 at Mixx Lounge on Main St. We've invited the District 1 and District 2 Congressional Candidates to attend the event.
What: Congressional Candidate Meet & Greet with Greater Cincinnati Young Professionals
When: Thursday, May 1, 2008 from 6pm-8pm
Where: Mixx Lounge at 1203 Main St.
Candidates Invited
Steve Chabot
Steve Driehaus *
Jean Schmidt
Vic Wulsin *
*denotes confirmed attendee
For Questions or to RSVP: Email Sean@cincypac.com
Please mark your calendars, RSVP and pass it on.
Sean Parker
Posted by
Sean Parker
5:30 PM